Second day of eating through the veg box, and I'm concerned we need to use up the leafy stuff first as this is going to loose its fresh bite sooner than the rest (good thing we used up the sprouting broccoli on day 1!)
So it's the kale that needs to get cooked today. We also need to use up some eggs (our hens started laying early this year) so I decide to play around with the concept of 'baked eggs with greens' from Ottolenghi (for his original version see here).

from the box: kale, onion, potatoes
from the cupboard: garlic, chilli, cumin, paprika, olive oil, eggs
How To:
Finely chop some onion (I used half), garlic and chilli
Scrub and dice the potatoes (I never bother peeling potatoes, especially when organic!)
Wash and shred the kale
Heat some olive oil in a heavy pan, soften the onion/garlic/chilli mix, then add the potatoes and sauté until almost cooked almost cooked.
Add the shredded kale and cover, cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally.
Make little holes on the bed of veg, and slip in the eggs.
Cover and cook for another 6-10 mins, until the eggs are set.
Season with salt, pepper and paprika, perhaps a little chilli sauce or a squeeze of lemon on the greens.
Serve with crusty bread.

Variation: Use spinach, chard or rocket instead of kale and/or serve with spicy yoghurt (as in the original recipe). A crumble of feta cheese would work well here too, I think.
Confession: I threw in a few extra bits from the fridge that needed using up: a handful of spinach and some tomato.